Contact Us
For emergencies/found a dog calls after 9:00 pm, please call our rescue line
(614) 800-3320.
We value your opinions and suggestions. Below you will find contact information (where available) for each AHDRO Director. Please use this information to locate the person your email or call should be directed to.
INTAKE | HUMANE CARE: (614) 766-1001 humanecare@almosthomeohio.org
ADOPTIONS: (937)470-6255 adoptions@almosthomeohio.org
FOSTERS: (614) 746-0301 fosters@almosthomeohio.org
SENIOR TO SENIOR PROGRAM: senior2senior@almosthomeohio.org
TREASURER: treasurer@almosthomeohio.org
FUNDRAISING: (614) 374-1433 fundraising@almosthomeohio.org
PARS FORE PETS: (614) 374-1433 janicesmith7@aol.com
GRANTS: grants@almosthomeohio.org
VOLUNTEERS: volunteers@almosthomeohio.org
MARKETING | COMMUNICATIONS: (614) 975-3617 marketing@almosthomeohio.org
EVENTS: humanecare@almosthomeohio.org
RECORDING SECRETARY: (614) 361-0488 ppeyton@columbus.rr.com
TECHNOLOGY | WEBSITE: administrator@almosthomeohio.org
Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.
– Roger Caras