In 2023: 93 Adoptions and 94 Intakes
In 2022: 82 Adoptions and 105 Intakes
In 2021: 72 Adoptions and 83 Intakes
In 2020: 63 Adoptions
In 2019: 93 Adoptions and 97 Intakes

Since 2003, Almost Home
has saved 1,708 dogs!

Get Involved and
become a foster!

Find Your Perfect Collie Companion: Meet Finnegan, Dusty, and Kelly!

Are you looking for a smart and affectionate collie? Consider adopting one of our incredible collies: Finnegan, Dusty, or Kelly. Each of these wonderful dogs is ready to find their forever home—maybe with you!

  • Finnegan is a spirited two-year-old who loves to play and cuddle, always bringing a bit of lively energy to his surroundings.

  • Kelly, our sweet and playful 8-year-old, thrives in a calm, routine-filled home and will be your loyal and affectionate companion.

September 2024 Newsletter

Give our September 2024 newsletter a read!

Dear Golfers, Sponsors and Donation participants,

Our 13th annual Pars FORE Pets was another huge success! With your generous donations, we will be able to obtain needed funds in our quest to save dogs from abuse and neglect, taking in surrendered pets and rescuing and rehoming senior and handicapped dogs to live out their years in loving and safe homes.

The day could not have been more perfect with beautiful weather, great friends, a spectacular golf course and of course our adorable dogs!

On behalf of Almost Home Dog Rescue of Ohio, we sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts and look forward to our 14th annual outing in 2025.

Warmest regards,

Almost Home Dog Rescue of Ohio

On June 6th, 2024, we were rescued by AHDRO from the Christian Co. Animal Shelter in Kentucky. We both thought this would be the best day of our lives as we knew we were going someplace better than where we had lived before. Our short stint of happiness went downhill quickly as the AHDRO vets discovered that we had distemper. We had a very tough time of it trying to fight through this horrible illness of fever, coughing, labored breathing and overall feeling poorly.
We were hospitalized for a long time and really did not have an appetite, but this kind rescue had volunteers bringing us homemade “chicken and rice”.

We decided that we were going to fight this illness because we heard there were many people rooting for us in many different ways… whether it was in the form of prayers, contributions for our medical treatment or making homemade meals, we felt the love and protection of everyone involved.

Thanks for not giving up on us. We now have a sparkle in our eyes, our tails are wagging and we are awaiting our “forever home”. As if the news was not good enough, we just found out we will be together again with the same Foster.
 We can sleep well tonight knowing we are together and loved until the right families come along and adopt us.
Enjoy our collage of photos.

Love, Sam and Waylon

Urgent Call for Fosters!

Almost Home Dog Rescue is celebrating 20 years in the rescue business.

Throughout these 20 years, we have worked tirelessly to rescue the precious collies and shelties, as well as the collie or sheltie that is snuggled up next to you. As dog lovers, you know how sweet, gentle, friendly and loving these pets can be. We do everything in our power to rescue some of the worst cases of abuse and neglect, insure they have veterinarian care, send them to a loving foster home temporarily and then adopt to their forever home. To date we have rescued over 1,650 dogs.

Currently nationwide, rescues are facing a huge crisis in terms of being able to rescue due to the extreme shortage of fosters. Almost Home is now being faced with this crisis! As of today, we will have to turn down requests to rescue unless we are able to expand our "foster community".

This is gut wrenching to all of us and now that the holidays are rapidly approaching, we start to get inundated with collies that need the warmth of a loving home and family.

If you are interested in fostering a dog, please read the fostering information and complete the online form.

PEDIGREE Foundation Grant

Almost Home Dog Rescue of Ohio is excited to share that the PEDIGREE Foundation has awarded us a $2,500 grant to help cover the expenses with the eleven puppies and dogs that were rescued from a puppy mill that were no longer of use to the breeder.

Pedigree has helped this unexpected intake of dogs with medical attention and food needed to have a fresh start and placed in loving and comfortable forever homes.

If you aren’t familiar with Pedigree Foundation, they’re a 501(c)3 formed by the makers of PEDIGREE food for dogs. Their focus is helping dogs in need find loving homes – a goal we share! You can find out more about them at

We’re thrilled to receive the grant and excited about the work ahead to get every dog the loving home he or she deserves.

Pet License Plates are Here!

Help dogs and cats in Ohio for $25. Order at or show your registrar.

About Us

Almost Home Dog Rescue of Ohio is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has rescued hundreds of dogs since its inception in 2003. Donations and fees go directly to supporting the care and placement of our rescued dogs. AHDRO is a 100% volunteer organization.

AHDRO’s mission is to provide homeless collies, shelties, and mixes of both breeds a safe haven where they will receive medical care, nutrition, and love until their forever homes are found.

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